Books and Films

The Beginning of the End

10/06/2013 11:17
The Beginning of the End is the first novel by Michael T. Snyder, the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. If you want to know what things in America are going to look like in a few years, you need to read this book. The Beginning of the End is a mystery/thriller set in the United States in...

Top Documentary Flms

09/06/2013 11:28
The content here is created with a passion for documentary films, the site is in open form and it is allowing readers to add comments about documentary films they like or dislike. TDF offers full watchable documentaries and information on documentaries by quoting reviews from trusted sources. In...

Dan Brown / Angels & Demons

09/06/2013 10:57
Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons is a detective story about a secret society that wants to destroy the Vatican using an antimatter bomb. In the book, the antimatter is stolen from CERN. The Illuminati has surfaced to carry out its legendary vendetta against its most hated enemy... the Catholic...